Thursday, March 12, 2009

Kick Me.

Hello again friends,

I have had a really hard time eating healthy since I got back from my trip. I have still not weighed myself because honestly I don't want to know. It's upsetting because I was on a really good track. I want to be on it again, it's just that initial motivation, that kick in the ass that I'm missing. I try thinking about the possibility of a high school reunion and how amazing I would like to look, doesn't work. I try thinking of children I want to have 5-10 years from now and how I want to be able to catch them, nothing. I am in this apathetic stage where I am just watching myself go downhill and hating it. I did manage to get healthy groceries so that when I'm home I have very little choice but to have a healthy dinner. Breakfast and lunch are sometimes questionable. My stomach has been a bit messed up lately so I'm afraid to add in too much fiber and ruffage. I can certainly eat better than I am without it, but what I'm doing isn't horrible. Why does the computer say ruffage isn't a word? Did my mother make it up or something? It has no problem with isn't and technically that's completely incorrect. But where was I before I went off on the English major tangent?

Oh yes. I did start back at school to finish up all my odds and ends, so that's good news. The man and I have started looking for a place together. It wouldn't be until September or August but we want to make sure we get exactly what we want and get our deposits in ahead of the students. I also got a lot of new HD channels for the same price with EXTREME HD (it came with a free helmet I think) there's going to be a pet channel in HD soon and I know the kitties will be excited. They love animal planet as it is so more kitties will be even better.

Ok so here's the deal. I need your help. I need a kick in the ass. I don't know if it's the change of seasons or stress at work or just general laziness but when I get home or when I wake up I cannot convince myself to work out. I know once I start that it will just get better and better.

Is anyone else having these issues right now?


Lula Mae


  1. Hang in there and get back on track ASAP, its never to late. Good luck.

  2. Because of your blog, I also started to lose weight and I lost 11 lbs. You are my inspiration! I know it's hard. I almost broke my arm today running when I fell, but it will all be worth it

  3. Don't break your arm! Ok if you can almost break your arm I can at least do a lower body workout tonight. I'll let you both know how it goes.

  4. oh god, I hear you my friend!! I was on SUCH a good track before vacation in NOVEMBER, but then fell FAR off the wagon on vacation, then the holiday and here I am - afraid to step on the scale and having a hard time being motivated. But, I am trying to go back to the gym regularly, once I am in a routine of working out, I am much less likely to eat crappy food because then I feel like I wasted time earlier......maybe don't pressure yourself on working out AND eating healthy for a week or two and just focus on working out, then moving back towards your total healthy eating. I have found that if I put too much pressure on myself, I will go in the complete opposite direction.

  5. Does that mean we're going out for a drink tonight?

  6. oh, I would love to however I do have plans tonight with some people I used to work with in Boston!! Pizza plans at that - so much for eating healty today!

  7. what about the 10 lb boots?? i suppose that's kind of seasonal and you would only have maybe 2 more mos of boot weather. hmmm...maybe find some hot sandals or flats you can work toward. or a pretty dress. i say pretty dress. like one that's a little bit too expensive for a normal clothing purchase.

  8. Oh I will get those boots. The pretty dress can be 15 pounds. See, boots will be good no matter how much weight I lose so it doesn't matter if it's spring. I will wait for the hotness.

    I had healthy dinner tonight and I did a little weight lifting with my legs. I'll get back on the wagon. :)
