Monday, January 12, 2009

Lazy Jane

Lazy Saturdays are not something I am willing to give up. They don't always happen on Saturday. For instance yesterday the man and I had a Fringe marathon, I thought we were watching Twilight but it turns out that's a book. Sometimes I get confused. I blame the meds. ;) Since lazy Saturday (or Sunday) requires jammies and an all day TV session working out was a bit of a challenge. If this had been at my place I could have used my Wii fit while watching TV but alas, we were in Boston. There was no treadmill in site so I turned to THE INTERNET... dum dum dum.

I found this page dedicated to workouts for couch potatoes! Awesome! These won't be my every day work outs but in a pinch they're great. Yesterday I tried the suggested "sit in a chair and stand up repeatedly". I thought this would be easy. After a few minutes it actually started to burn! I never said I was in shape. The advanced form of this work out is to not actually sit down all the way, I'll get there someday. For now just sitting and standing has my thighs feeling it today. I'm psyched about that! One of my goals is to have thighs that don't touch each other. :)

I also did some crunches, assisted by the man who hung off the couch waiting for me to get up far enough for a kiss. That is good motivation, I may have to incorporate it into the everyday routine. We are home again today for reasons that have nothing to do with this blog so I think when I have a moment I will work my upper body. Someday I'll send you all a ticket to the gun show. owwww.

We need a share of the day, shall it be a strength or a weakness?

I'm not sure what this is I'll just share.

I love pajamas. For some reason the instant I get home from work and until I leave the house I feel like I have to wear them. Hoodies are a bonus. I did figure out that this stemmed from my mother making us take off our school clothes when we got home, though I don't know that I changed right into my pajamas. That's my story, anything you feel like sharing today is more than welcome.


Lula Mae


  1. i had a lazy day yesterday, too. but it was somewhat productive in that i finally (don't laugh) took down our christmas tree/decorations. so, i guess it was just a moderate amount of productivity that was basically canceled out by extreme laziness. however, i did not shower and stayed in sweatpants all day, so that tips the scale, for sure.
    today i'll go to the gym and then watch jack bauer save the world. love me some keifer.

  2. Lazy sunday all around - I made it to the grocery store and into the shower, but that is pretty much it! I couldn't be more on the same page in the pj situation, the SECOND I get home I am in them - same for weekends when I am at home. Granted, the fact that I wear a suit to work makes the motivation to change greater, but even so...

  3. Lets see... yesterday I gave both cats a bath, which resulted in my taking a bath as well. I made mac and cheese from scratch for supper. Not the healthiest meal ever, but I'm working on expanding the repertoire and it makes a nice addition. Plus it was Delicious. :) Oh and I also took out the recycling between bad tv movies.

  4. exsqueezeme?! You bath your cats?! Did you get their tongues removed or something??

  5. Ha! no. baths keep their dander down and shedding to a minimum. Glenn is a little allergic so it's an easy way to keep them extra clean and Glenn breathing.

  6. The second I come home I am in my pjs. I love them...I wish I could wear them to school

  7. Typically, as you are well aware, I generally have one weekend lazy day consisting of pajamas, books, movies, or TV on DVD. This weekend, I didn't leave the house often, but was very productive at home: Saturday - gym in the AM, breakfast with the family, grocery store, random other errands, wii fit in the afternoon, football, then cooking for the week, where I made 5 meals in under two hours because I rock. Then on Sunday, I got up wicked late (like 9:30.. I love my sleepy mask that blocks the light), and then I played hostess to the football watching boys, the hit the grocery store with my friend Erik (he loathes grocery shopping. I went to keep him company), made Jason dinner, and watched Jack Bauer start to save the world. I was tired. (I doubt you wanted to know all that, but I felt like sharing and I'm wicked hyper. Like Phillip, the hyper hypo). I love you.
