Thursday, January 8, 2009

A little research

Since I've decided to start this whole eating well and exercising thing, I thought I would post some sites that have helped me in the past. There have been times where I weighed in the 180's and more. Any time that I get anywhere near 170 I see a huge WARNING sign in my head. The last time this happened I decided to research a little about nutrition. I figured out that most fad diets are just based on watching your caloric intake and they assume you don't exercise much. With the Weight Watchers point system they put you on a very low calorie, low fat, low carb diet. That's all it is. I can do that myself. If you exercise Weight Watchers does allow you more points in your day. Wooo hooo! This isn't news, you burn more calories than you take in and you lose weight, why are we paying monthly fees for this? And like any diet if you don't follow it correctly it will not keep helping you in the long run, which is why it wasn't good for me. I didn't listen to their advice about balanced meals but focused on the point system. If I wanted to have 16 weight watchers chocolate cakes then that's that I had. Sure, I lost weight but as soon as I got off the diet it all came back. It wasn't a life style change. I am not going to buy weight watchers meals forever. I also thought the women there who weighed me in were devils. I told you I ramble.

When I looked into basic nutrition I discovered that I really did need to pay attention to food groups, calories, different kinds of fats, sugars, and all sorts of other things I never really thought about. Now I know that if I do not exercise much I can have about 2,000 calories per day, but that there need to be healthy proteins, dairy, and a ton of veggies, etc. It's not just watching the calories or the carbs or the fat, it's everything. I'll admit right now it's a pain in the ass but luckily as I did this more grocery stores tried to compete with Whole Foods and it became easier to find food that was good for me at low prices. I also discovered that if I really needed to taste something extremely yummy and almost sinful I could turn to This is not the place to get all your recipes, but rather to replace a few of your favorite things in your healthy new lifestyle. Seriously this woman is amazing she can make anything low calorie.

So now you know, I'm capable of this. I've lost weight before but the 159-163 range is pretty much the lowest I can ever remember being and that's what I am now. If I can wear a bikini (outside of the house) before I'm 30, that will be amazing. I've never worn one. This belly and these thighs have always left me wishing I lived in the 20's so that it would be considered obscene to show any skin. I have a year and two months and about 20 pounds. I think that's reasonable. If it happens we're all going to Hawaii for my 30th birthday, just so you're aware.

I have some weaknesses.

-French Fries
-Creme Brulee
-Cheese and Wine

I'm a little scared.

To help me I heard on the news this morning that Massachusetts restaurants may have to start posting calories on their menus. I think that's amazing. Do you have any idea how many calories are in an awesome blossom? Let me tell you, not awesome.

Calorie Intake Per Day to Lose Weight

Hungry Girl

Love you lots,

Lula Mae


  1. Lula Mae,

    Sarah P. admires your honesty. And I agree about the weigh in people at weight watchers.. they are devils. I think we should invent something to sync our wii fits so we can work out every morning together. I made a bet with my husband that I can wii fit for an hour in the morning and hit the gym for an hour a day in the afternoon 24 out of the next 28 days. I will defeat him.
    Thank you for having enough balls to say what everyone else is afraid to say. Love you.

  2. have you thought of maybe setting a fitness goal that's more athletic, like running a 5k race or something? if you commit to something that's, say, 3 months away, you'll have something to work towards and keep you motivated. and then when you do it, you'll feel proud of your accomplishment, and that will give you more motivation. i just throw this out there because this is kind of how i operate and i've seen it work for friends, too.

  3. Interesting theory, I'll look into it. :)

  4. You should go to it's run by Greg's sister-in-law, and I think she has a GREAT attitude toward food/exercise issues. She's not about deprivation at all, and I find her stuff more realistic and balanced than Hungry Girl. She's also a follower of her own advice, really nice, and is in fantastic shape. Definitely worth a look!

  5. I'm going to check it out right now :) Thanks!
