Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I thought Burpees were for baby puke

Good morning all -

Good news. By incorporating exercise back into my healthy life plan this weekend I lost the pound I had gained, so I am down to 159.4 or .6 I forgot to take a picture. That reminds me, I have to start taking pictures.

In addition to the Wii fit I am going to start a Burpees program with the man. He started on 40 because he's nuts but I am going to start with 5, and increase daily until I'm up to 100 and basically Wonder Woman. If you've never heard of this phenomenon here are a few pages to get you started.



A few options from another blogger

So for those of you who don't know me it's my birthday. I am the big 2-9 today and I am glad that I have already started working on my body and eating better. I find that each year really does bring weight in new places and makes it a little harder to get rid of. With the correct mindset and endurance I'll be able to chase my future children around the house way better than present Lula Mae could, if they existed already. I don't know if that made sense.

I hope you are all having a wonderful day. If any of you have tried Burpees or any other indoor do it at your own pace in the bedroom type of exercise I would love to hear feedback.

Good luck!

Lula Mae


  1. happy birthday! i know those things as "squat thrusts" ...which i guess isn't much better than "burpee."

  2. oh, feedback- i think i remember it being imporant to "spot" something with your eyes because you can get really dizzy doing them especially if you're going fast...or maybe i'm just a little retarded.

  3. Nope, I can totally see that happening to me. :) thanks!
